Trustee/Treasurer - Life Chance Trust

Close date :
31 May 2024
Salary :
See Below
Description :


Life Chance Trust is a specialist youth charity based in South Devon working to transform the life chances of 16–25-year-olds who have experienced with childhood trauma or have complex life histories.

 Our Vision (A world where…)
Young people overcome the effects of traumatic childhood experiences to become happy,
healthy, safe and independent adults

 Our Mission
To transform the life chances of 16–25-year-olds, by building their confidence, resilience,
motivation, skills and networks to find employment and realise their potential

 Our Values
Care – Nurture – Inspire
Are you compassionate, highly motivated, and determined? Could you dedicate
yourself to enabling vulnerable and under-served young people to overcome
traumatic childhood experiences, navigate complex life histories and become the best they can be?

Hours: 5 hours per month

Salary: Volunteer role with appropriate expenses

Duration: 5 hrs a month.

We are a small charity in Devon which was set up nearly 2 years ago. We are looking for an
exceptional person to join the Board as a Trustee and also fulfil the role of Treasurer. The
successful candidate will have a background in finance or accountancy and risk
management. As well as fulfilling the duties of a Trustee, the Treasurer will chair the finance
sub-committee and maintain an overview of Life Chance Trust’s financial affairs. The
Treasurer will ensure that effective and appropriate financial measures, controls and
procedures are put in place and work with the Head of Trust to report to the Board of
Trustees at regular intervals about the financial health of the organisation.

For an informal discussion about the role please email to arrange a conversation.

If you believe you could bring something exciting to this role please email with a CV and covering letter detailing how you meet the role

description (approx. two A4 pages).

Closing date: 31 st May 2024