Child Protection Training - Group 2


Event Date :
4 March 2024
Cost :
£25 for VOYC members
Venue :
Delivered Virtually via Zoom (link will be circulated)
Description :

1 pm - 4.30 pm

Delivered by: Tom Coulthard, CEO of VOYC Devon

‘Awareness in Safeguarding’ is to increase awareness and confidence building in respect of identification, responding, recording and reporting processes involved in child protection. This Devon Safeguarding Children Partnership recognised training will also raise awareness of legislation, attitudes & values and blocks & challenges in safeguarding.

Booking Form!

Target group:  Those who work regularly, or have a period of intense but regular contact with children and young people or with staff who may be in a position to identify concerns and who may be expected to contribute to the assessment of the child’s developmental needs or the adult’s parenting capacity.

At the end of this session you will have:-

  • a better understanding of the legislative frameworks and guidance in safeguarding children and young people.

  • a greater awareness of the types of abuse and neglect which children and young people may experience and its impact and how to recognise the signs and indicators.

  • a clear understanding of what to do if someone has concerns about a child in Devon or a child makes a disclosure and the processes involved.

  • an improved knowledge about the roles and responsibilities of individuals, organisations and Devon Safeguarding Children Partnership, including identifying, reporting, recording, sharing information.

  • Being able to interact with other participants from other types of organisations, hearing their points of view from different settings.

This is what participants said about previous courses:

"The course provided a positive impact as my awareness and knowledge have been raised”

"Good balance of media, listening and group work.”

“The trainers kept the content moving along and picked up on issues that were raised by people"

"I found going through the scenarios very useful."

“I feel more confident in knowing how to act if any concerns are raised.”

Booking Form!

Not a member? It’s really easy to join and membership is FREE!!

Should you wish to speak to VOYC Devon about this course, call 01392 250976 or email