Supporting a child with Challenging & Aggressive Behaviours


Event Date :
15 August 2017
Cost :
Venue :
Devon Disability Collective, Exeter
Description :

15th & 16th August. 9:30am - 2:30pm

The ticket price includes the days training, teas & coffees, soft drinks and a selection of fruit and biscuits. Lunch is not included.

A two day parent workshop aimed at any parent supporting a child between the ages of 2 - 12 with Autism through social and emotional development stages. If your child is older but pre-verbal or doesn't communitcate at an age appropriate level, this course may also be suitable for you.

A formal diagnosis of Autism is not required to benefit from the course as many young people with behaviour support needs also show some difficulties with social communication, understanding and emotional regualtion. The course will allow you to:

* Share expereinces, ideas and feelings with other parents.

* Understand Autism and how it effects child development

* Practice and perfect techniques and strategies to support your child social & emotional development.

For a more detailed description of this and other courses, head to: