Youth Worker - Bere Alston

Close date :
20 February 2024
Salary :
See Below
Location :
The Hut, Bere Alston
Description :

Youth Worker vacancy

We are a youth facility in Bere Alston and are looking for a paid, experienced youth worker to join us for 8 hours a week with two sessions in the village.  Own transport would be required as there is limited public transport around in the evenings.

Salary: £12 - £16 per hour depending on previous experience
Exact location: The Hut, Bere Alston
Deadline for application: 20 February 2024 
What does the role entail?  preparing and working two evening sessions per week in Bere Alston youth centre with teenagers, some of whom have challenging behaviour.
What skills and experience are required? Experience of youth work, personnel initiative, admin skills, ability to plan longer term, able to work with colleagues 
How do people apply?  Email your CV to
Recruitment process: Send your CV, phone conversation, Hut visit on a session night, then interview.