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Child Protection Training - Group 5 (Designated Safeguarding Officer)

9.30 am start and finishing approx 4 pm.

Delivered by Dan Howlett and Tom Coulthard (CEO of VOYC Devon).        

Who’s this for?

This Devon Safeguarding Children Partnership recognised Group 5 training is for the not for profit children and young people’s workforce who have particular responsibilities in relation to advising and supporting other staff (paid/unpaid) who may have safeguarding concerns, who have the responsibility to receive and refer safeguarding information. This also includes self-employed ‘stand-alone’ practitioners who do not work within an organisation (ie childminders, private tutors, etc).

The Course Programme includes:-

  • What is Abuse?

  • Values and Attitudes – making judgements.

  • Interactive Risk Factors.

  • Dealing with Disclosures / Making Enquiries and Referrals.

  • Safe Recruitment, Induction and Supervision.

  • Organisational Processes and Procedures.

  • Avoiding Accidents – Risk Assessment and Safe Practice.

  • Recording and Storing Information.

  • Working with Others, Information Sharing, Devon Threshold Tool and Early Help.

Aims of Training: 

To provide an opportunity for participants from various VCS agencies to gain and share knowledge, and explore feelings in relation to child protection as well as gaining an understanding of child protection procedures and other agencies responsibilities.


Voluntary and Community organisations play an important role in delivering services to children and young people.  They should have the arrangements as described in “Working Together 2023” in place in the same way as organisations in the public sector, and need to work effectively with other Agencies and the Local Safeguarding Children’s Board.  As a part of this their Designated Safeguarding Officers need to be adequately trained to support paid and volunteer staff and they need to be aware of their responsibilities for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, how they should respond to child protection concerns and make a referral to local authority children’s Early Help or Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) if necessary. 

This is what others have said about the course:

  • The training has put us in a better position to provide improved safeguarding protection.

  • It has allowed me to take on the Designated Safeguarding Officer (DSO) role for my organisation supporting both my colleagues and the children and young people we work for/with. 

  • I have gained a greater wealth of knowledge within the staff team.

  • it will allow me to ensure that I relay the correct information to my team and the groups we support.

  • Being able to effectively support and protect young people in all circumstances or know who to refer to.

  • Dan and Tom worked well together and I  liked the opportunity to hear from others in the breakout exercises.

  • A difficult subject, handled efficiently!

Click here for the booking form.

If you would like to talk to someone about this course call 01392 250976 or email  Click here to find out more about the VOYC Devon Membership Package.

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